This weeks topic is DIY crafts and hobbies. I do neither. I explained this very clearly in my post to the Lady Killers in September, 2016 on a similar topic: "I come from a family of NDIYs. Meaning whenever possible, never do anything yourself if you can pay someone else to do it for you." Nothing's changed.
As I anticipate the launch of my third Dot Meyerhoff mystery, The Fifth Reflection, on July 11th, I am more convinced than ever that the most foolish thing an author can do is go it alone. The success of any book requires a team. I have a web designer, a publicist, and a very helpful husband whose photographs adorn all my books and my website. Now I'm assembling my street team, a term used in marketing to describe a group of people or fans who will 'hit the streets' spreading the word about a book. Ready to sign up? Here are ten things you can do for me and any other writer whose work you admire. I can't pay you, that would be unethical. But send a picture when you are in street team mode and I'll post it on my FB page.
1. Buy the book
2. Write a review on Amazon, GoodReads,
3. Promote it on social media: Twitter, Facebook, etc.
4. Tell your friends about the book.
5. Host a book party.
6. Attend my author's events (see my website for the schedule). Bring your friends.
7. Invite me to speak to your book club, civic or professional association.
8. Invite me to post on your blog, join you on your podcast or interview me for your newsletter.
9. Sign up for my newsletter and/or my blog. (
10. Like me on Facebook (
You don't have to do all ten, of course. I would be grateful if you did any one (or two). Thanks in advance.
Good luck with your new one, Ellen.
Posted by: Michael A. Black | July 07, 2017 at 11:19 AM