- Friday, October 13, 12 to 3 PM, Camille Minichino will be teaching a brief class on Science, Technology, and Cultural Change. JFK in Pleasant Hill. 925-969-4600 to register.
- Sunday, October 15, 2 PM, Camille will moderate a mystery panel at the Castro Valley Library, with Ann Parker and others.
Margaret Lucke will give a presentation on "7 Secret of Writing Great Fiction," followed by a brief talk about her new novel, SNOW ANGEL, at Barnes & Noble, 1600 Gateway Blvd, Fairfield, CA, on Saturday, October 14, at 3 pm. Her appearance is part of the store's four-day Writer's Boot Camp program, being held October 12-15.
- Carole Price is still smiling over her soon-to-be-released Vineyard Prey. She thought it would never happen after her first publisher dropped their mystery line.
- Ann Parker is crawling to the edit finish line for her ms, Fall on a Dying Note (or maybe it'll have a different title. Who knows?). By this time next week, the draft will be to the editor for scrutiny and she'll be "done" by definition (if not by inclination). Then, the waiting begins to hear what changes will be requested from on high.
- Ellen Kirschman has given three news interviews following the mass shooting in Las Vegas. If it had been a scene in her next mystery, no one would have believed it possible. She's participating in two upcoming events:
Next Week
Writing is hard. And it doesn't usually pay well. Your family and your day job resent the time spent away from them in a little office nook, or neighborhood coffee shop, or library. So why bother, especially now that the big publishers are consolidating and Amazon owns everything?
Well...maybe there's nothing quite like writing a perfect sentence. Or scaring the bejesus out of a reader with a plot twist she never saw coming. Join us next week as the LadyKillers wax poetical and practical about why they write.
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